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30-03-2021, 04:01
Utilizador Rampsa renam, Frankfurt Citar
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12-09-2021, 18:18
Utilizador Gu Yanli, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Citar

StrongU STU U1++ (52th/s) Miner For Sale

Whatsapp: +86-177-1057-9540


Model STU-U1++ from StrongU mining Blake256R14 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 52Th/s for a power consumption of 2200W. Strong STU-U1++ is a miner with a hash rate of 52 Th/s and uses the Blake256R14 algorithm. The consumption of this miner is 2200W and has an energy efficiency of 0.042 j/Gh. Weighing 8200g and a noise level of 76dB; it’s one of the most environmentally friendly miners. The only mineable coin with this miner is Decred and can be found in almost all mining pools. StrongU is the manufacturer of this platform and also happens to be the only vendor in the market.



Manufacturer: StrongU

Model: STU-U1++

Also known as: Miner U1 Plus Plus

Release: July 2019

Size      : 130 x 220 x 390mm

Weight: 8200g

Noise level: 76db

Cooling: 12038 fan

Fan(s): 2

Power: 2200W

Voltage: 12V

Interface: Ethernet

Temperature: 4 - 45 °C

Humidity: 5 - 95 %


About Strong STU-U1++ Specs is the manufacturer’s website and is one of Chinese crypto leading miner manufacturers. Some of the brands from this company include the Hornbill H8, which is their biggest seller. According to the profitability calculator, HyperCash is also on the cards with a $3.27 profit margin. The Decred (DCR), which uses the Blake (14r) algorithm, has a  $2.21. Users should also note that the Strong STU-U1++ is also ASIC supported.

The release date of the miner, also known as Miner U1 Plus Plus was July 2019. It comes with two fans, and the size of the miner is 39*22*13cm. With a hash rate of 52,000 GH/s and power consumption of 2100, NiceHash coin comes at a loss.


Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is another must look feature when buying miners. The STU-U1++ comes with an energy efficiency of 0.042 j/Gh. It comes with a built-in power supply and a 2*12038 fans cooling method. The input voltage is AC 220-240v, 50/60HZ. Power efficiency is recorded at 93 percent, which is one of the highest in the industry. When it comes to power efficiency, the Miner UI Plus Plus is a special rarity.

Hash rate

52 TH/s is one of the industry’s lowest hash rate, and it’s for a reason. The mineable coins are rare and, thus, the 52,000 GH/s hash rate. With a market CAP standing at $295 million and over $547,000 traded daily, DCR mining is rising. POW mining difficulty also rose from 5G in to 40G in the last one year. Most of the DGR coins were purchased at a rate of $0.49 per coin. The DCR treasury system will cope with the coin for many years to come. Miners should note that DCR is similar to Dash in this regard.


Noise Level

76 decibels is an environmentally friendly noise, which means users can mine at home. The STU Brand comes with industry-accepted standards when it comes to noise levels.


Profitability with STU-U1++

We checked with the profitability of this miner using daily, monthly, and weekly statistics. With a day of mining with this miner, users get a profit of $1.76 after electricity consumption gets covered. The monthly income with this miner is $52, while the yearly income is around $634. It’s only fair to examine the electricity expenditure with STU-UI Plus Plus. Daily electricity expense stands at $6.34, and the monthly expense is $190. The yearly electricity comes at around $2,280,000.


Warranty of the STU-U1 Plus Plus

It comes with a six-month warranty starting from the date the unit was received. In the case of overclocking, the warranty becomes null and void. Read the terms and conditions once you get your hands on the STU-UI ++

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22-10-2021, 09:10
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